"Assigned To" is a variation on webpragmatists original "Assigned To" MOD as seen on the osTicket forum.
"Age of Tickets" is sudobash.net original coding
Remember to comment out the original sortOptions
//I admit this crap sucks…but who cares?? $sortOptions=array('date'=>'ticket.created','ID'=> 'ticketID','pri'=>'priority_urgency','dept'=>'dept_name','ass'=>'firstname','timeopen'=>'timeopen'); //$sortOptions=array('date'=>'ticket.created','ID'=>'ticketID','pri'=>'priority_urgency','dept'=>'dept_name');
Remember to comment out the first entry for $qselect and $qfrom
$qselect = 'SELECT DISTINCT ticket.ticket_id,lock_id,ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.staff_id,subject,name,ticket.email,dept_name,staff.firstname,staff.lastname '.',ticket.status,ticket.source,isoverdue,ticket.created,pri.*,CASE WHEN status = "open" THEN FLOOR(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(now(),ticket.created))/60) ELSE FLOOR(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(ticket.closed,ticket.created))/60) END AS timeopen,count(attach.attach_id) as attachments '; $qfrom=' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket LEFT JOIN '.DEPT_TABLE.' dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id '. ' LEFT JOIN '.STAFF_TABLE.' staff ON ticket.staff_id=staff.staff_id';
Place this with the other table headers (wherever you want it to show up in the table)
<th width="150" ><a href="tickets.php?sort=ass&order=" title="Sort By Assignee ">Assigned To</a></th>
And again for the Age column
<a href="tickets.php?sort=timeopen&order=<?=$negorder?><?=$qstr?>" title="Sort By Age <?=$negorder?>">Age</a></th>
New Code! This fixed the issue with the >35 days (50339 MySQL time issue).
<!--<td align="center" nowrap><?=Format::db_date($row['created'])?></td>--> <? $ticket_id=$row['ticket_id']; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=$ticket_id"); $created_row = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $created = $created_row['UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created)']; // closed ticket correct age if ($status=='closed') { // closed ticket $sql = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(closed) FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=$ticket_id"); $closed_row = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $closed = $closed_row['UNIX_TIMESTAMP(closed)']; $diff = $closed - $created; } else { $now=date(U); $diff = $now - $created; } ?> <td class="nohover" align="center" style="color:<?$color="#33FF66"; $old = round($diff / 86400); if ($old >= 4){$color="red"; print ($color);} ?> "> <? $diff = round($diff / 60); $min = "min"; $mins = "mins"; $hours = "hours"; $hour = "hour"; $day = "day"; $days = "days"; if ( $diff <= 1 ){ print ($diff . " " . $min); }elseif ( $diff > 1 && $diff <= 59 ){ print ($diff . " " . $mins); }elseif ( $diff >= 60 && $diff <= 119 ){ $diff = round($diff / 60); print (1 . " " . $hour); }elseif ( $diff >= 120 && $diff <= 1439 ){ $diff = round($diff / 60); print ($diff . " " . $hours); }elseif ( $diff >= 1440 && $diff <= 2879 ){ print (1 . " " . $day); }elseif ( $diff >= 2880 ){ $diff = round($diff / 1440); print ($diff . " " . $days); }else {}; ?> </td>
<td nowrap><?=($row['firstname']) ? $row['firstname'] : ' ';?> <?=($row['lastname']) ? $row['lastname'] : '';?></td>
Also make sure to comment out your "Date" — you won’t need it now that you know the Age.
You should now be able to refresh your Ticket page and have a nice "Assigned To" column along with the "Age of Tickets" column.
Now you may notice that after you close a ticket that is assigned to someone that assignment gets removed. I have found this undesirable so we’ll edit the following
remove staff_id=0 from the following line:
$sql= 'UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET status='.db_input('closed').',isoverdue=0,duedate="NULL",updated=NOW(),closed=NOW() '.
This will still make the ticket show up under "My Tickets" in order to get it to stop doing that (if you desire), then change the following entry from:
$qwhere.=' AND ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staffId);
$qwhere.=' AND ticket.status="open" AND ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staffId);
You’ll also need to change the following (otherwise it will count that you have tickets assigned but won’t list them thus confusing everyone).
'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' assigned ON assigned.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND assigned.staff_id='.db_input($thisuser->getId());
'LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' assigned ON assigned.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND open.status="Open" AND assigned.staff_id='.db_input($thisuser->getId());